Friday, September 19, 2008 my mom trying to kill me?

Hmm... what should I write about.......I wish I had something funny to tell you that would cheer you up.... Oh, I could tell you about the time my mom tried to kill me this week... OK Picture a dark narrow staircase and the lights are burned out...Then picture my mom leaving a vaccum, or is it vaccuum or vacuum? Anywayz, she leaves that dirt sucking thingy in the middle of the floor right above the stairs.

Now, I go walking up the stairs notice the lights aren't working and decide, "hey, I have pretty good recall, I don't need no stinking lights." and walk up the stairs drinking a soda.

Then it happens... I trip on the vaccuu...dirt sucking thinging, spill soda all over me, swear at the top of my lungs, find the light switch in my mom's sewing room, turn the light on, try and set my soda on her ironing board, step on a seam ripper she dropped on the floor instead! Yell again and spill more soda, hit my arm on the still hot as hades iron that she forgot to turn off that happened to be sitting on the ironing board!

Seriously,I was expecting an anvil to drop on my head any second, that's how cartoony I felt after all that stupid stuff happening all at once. All, my mom could do was say, "oops. Sorry." I would have sworn she planned that like Wiley Coyote does for the Road Runner...I'm just not as lucky as that freakin' bird!

1 comment:

shelly said...

Oh, man, I wish I was a witness. I mean, sorry that happened to you Jennifer =) Seriously, I would've been replaying it in my mind and have been laughing all day and night. That always seems to happen when I visit you guys. I remember I couldn't get the image out of my head or stop laughing when I heard about your mom's uncle's pants falling down at the funeral and his wife's "I told you so" comment. Hey, I didn't witness that one either. So, maybe I will keep picturing your cartoon accidents and laughing all day and night! Now turn on the light next time! (That last sentence is in honor of the previously mentioned guy's wife's comment. I love it when people state the obvious after a blunder. Always appreciated.)