Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tate Revisited.

We were able to visit Eric, Shelly and of course Tatum! Boy has he grown! He's a hefty 10 month old who enjoys every meal he's been fed I think. He's pulling himself up and crawling. He has the crawling philosophy of, "Crawl through it not around it." He has a big smile that takes a little bit before you can see it because he's kind of on the shy side. If you think he reminds you of someone, it's probably because he looks a lot like the Campbell soup kids they used to have in old commercials. (It's due to the curls and chubby cheeks.)

He sure enjoyed the meal because it included multiple yummy noises and smiles.

I'm pretty sure that's a thumbs up look!


Jorge said...
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Amber said...

Um, that is one cute kid!

Jayson, Megan, Dawson & Creed said...

Hey Jennifer! Long time huh!?? Do you even remember your old roommate, Megan?? Love your blog! And is that cute little baby your little brother Eric's kid? Holy Cow, I thought Eric was still on his mission! ha ha. We need to catch up sometime!