Saturday, August 23, 2008

I drew a picture...

I was inspired by the olympics and those cool stick figures running, jumping, fencing, diving, and BMXing! I sat down at my computer and decided I am going to make a cool stick figure. And here it is...

I'm not quite sure what sport my stick figure is doing. Perhaps hailing a cab in New York. That could be an olympic sport I think. Any who, I decided that drawing stick figures that are cool is a lot harder than it looks.


Amber said...

Yoga. Your stick figure is preparing for a full on Yoga routine. It mocks me with its agility!

Kirez Reynolds said...

Is there any chance you could share with me your tips on making a stick figure? I need to produce a figure doing a few different, but specific, movements, and I don't even know where to start. But I really like yours!