Picture it...summer 2008, I have just sentenced myself to an online summer statistics class! Ahggg...the horror...the pain...and what the heck does a chi square have to do with ANOVA? Do I really need to know how deviated the standard is? And please tell me that the F-stat, p-value, and the z-scores are just lame rapper names!
There were times I'd be reading my dear old stats text wondering if someone just spilled a bowl of alphabet soup mixed with a complete boggle set and decided to call it stats. For example, I needed to know what the SSE, SSG, SST, MSG (has nothing to do with chinese food), MSE, F and P. (You can now place your index finger in between your lips and do that blah, blah, etc sound.) I was glad I never had to talk face to face with my professor, I'm pretty sure that would have involved climbing a turret in a castle somewhere in Transilvania, because I wouldn't have been able to keep that civil and you know how Igor's get when you threaten bodily harm to their 'master.'
So, I decided to do what any healthy, frantic and perhaps a bit angry stats student would do...Study like hell and complain to anyone with ears about how horrible statstistics is. I did find another student in my program who decided to celebrate the summer with statistics as well. This made complaining and heaping massive amounts of bad energy in professor Frankenstat's direction a lot more fun.
It was during one of these lamentation sessions that the bright idea was born. Oh, you have no idea how bright that light bulb was hanging over our heads when this idea came about...yeah, sunglasses would have been recommended to save your retinas. After our final test, we decided to take our stats books out to the middle of the mountains and unleash our pent up rage on them. (Translation = grab a 30-06, 22, and a 38 and blow the freaking books apart!)
Now, your probably asking, "how come you don't just sell them back to the bookstore?" Good question. My response has multiple levels...First, that's not as fun as shooting a book. Second, we both bought our books from Amazon.com for $8. Third, like most books that you buy at a university book store they weren't buying them back.
I would recommend this to anyone for therapuetic reasons over the pure thrill of seeing peices of book flying across the open field!!!
1 comment:
I thought that was a strange thing to do until I saw that final picture (blown apart book). Very impressive! And yes, send me more pictures, please!
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