Friday, July 4, 2008

The 4th of July...And I'm Freezing.

Well, it's another 4th of July and the air conditioner is on full blast and I can't figure out how to turn it down. It's 95 degrees outside and it's about 69 inside. I'm wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket contiplating making a cup of hot chocolate and wondering if we have marshmellows.

Why am I inside on such a wonderful holiday and missing the BBQ's and sunburns associated with this holiday? The answer is pretty simple, my dog has been barking, at every single pop, bang, explosion that has been going off every few seconds. If that's not enough she actually moved her dog house (weighing about 200 lbs) about a 1 1/2 ft after I chained her to it. I was afraid she was going to attack the back door. So, I relented and let her come in the house but, only after an intense bath (she has a habit of smelling like a dog).

We did go on the mountain earlier today and drove four wheelers and watch my dad work on tearing down the old shed on his land. Dosie caught a mouse and chased every red digger (a red digger is basically a squirrel on steroids) that she saw. All this running around in mud and guck practicing her ancestoral art of hunting is another reason for the bath with our fire hose.

Anyway, I have plans to enjoy the quiet and the possibility of snow this fourth of July. (I still can't figure out the AC and how to prevent a miniture ice age in the house).

Hope you all have a good fourth and I'll be enjoying my hot cocoa.

1 comment:

Amber said...

I would take a good cup of cocoa over a sparkler any day!