Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas at the Hibbert house
My Visit with the Howard Family
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The search for knowledge and other crap!

The above picture is the wrong way to do CPR because you don't want the head to detach from the body! I learned that in nursing school!
Monday, December 1, 2008
If you want to laugh...
Sad, Sad, Sad day!

Sunday, October 26, 2008
In Case You didn't Know...It's an election year

Well, I just thought I'd do my civil duty and remind people that it is time to fulfill their civic duty and vote. I am trying to have a positive feel about this election and having searching for that feeling of patriotism that elections are supposed to envoke. As for that actually happening, I can't say that I've had any warm feelings at all about this election. I honestly try and keep an open mind about all canidates and issues. I want to make sure that I am voting based on what I think are the important issues and not what a party, commercial, friend or family has to say about it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
UHH...this is funny.
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008 my mom trying to kill me?
Now, I go walking up the stairs notice the lights aren't working and decide, "hey, I have pretty good recall, I don't need no stinking lights." and walk up the stairs drinking a soda.
Then it happens... I trip on the vaccuu...dirt sucking thinging, spill soda all over me, swear at the top of my lungs, find the light switch in my mom's sewing room, turn the light on, try and set my soda on her ironing board, step on a seam ripper she dropped on the floor instead! Yell again and spill more soda, hit my arm on the still hot as hades iron that she forgot to turn off that happened to be sitting on the ironing board!
Seriously,I was expecting an anvil to drop on my head any second, that's how cartoony I felt after all that stupid stuff happening all at once. All, my mom could do was say, "oops. Sorry." I would have sworn she planned that like Wiley Coyote does for the Road Runner...I'm just not as lucky as that freakin' bird!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Is the sun really going to come up tomorrow?

"Out damn spot!"
Needless to say, after approximately 30 years-ish of water, showers, and soaking the stress out baths in my yellow submarine tub leaves annoying water spots. Oh, it drove me nuts! I tried soft scrub, not-so soft scrub, hydrochloric acid, Comet, Cupid and a little Donner and I still could not get the water residue out!
Now, this is where the switch in me gets flipped. All of a sudden I go from oh...hum...too bad-- to I AM GOING TO USE EVERY LAST ONCE OF STRENGTH, WILL POWER AND IF NEEDS BE MY VERY LIFE TO GET THESE WATER STAINS OUT OF THIS BATHTUB!!!
Yes, somehow I've turned a little light house cleaning into a gladiator battle to the death! A talent you should be glad you don't have.
I run through the mental list of available tools that might do the trick... Chisel-no. Power drill-no. Hack saw-no. Rock salt-uh maybe-no. My copy of the movie Cinderella and hope there is some way those cute little mice will jump out of the screen and start working on my tub - uh haven't inhaled enough cleaning fumes for that to be really possible yet, so no. Out damn spot! (you can always use the word damn guilt free when quoting Shakespeare)
Then, like a ton of bricks it hits me...A pumice stone! It is abrasive in all the right ways. It gets the hard water rings stains out of the toilet! It should work on my bathtub! I considered turning on a little "Celebrate, Celebrate, Let the good times roll," but came to the conclusion that would be overdoing it a little.
With my goal of a water spot free tub within my reach, I am invigorated and start scrubbing away at those 'damn spots'! My energy level increases as I see the spots disappear and I rinse them away! Oh, how satisfying that was. Yeah, that's right if they gave medals out for kicking butt on water stains--that medal would have my face on it.
I poured out some more soft scrub and rinsed the tub out one last time and enjoyed the beautiful bottom of my reborn buttercup colored bathtub! That's when it happened... the bathtub dried out and I was aghast at what was left behind.
My beautiful bathtub looked like some white trash mechanic decided to wash every car part from his front yard in his bathroom... Or some one had taken a bunch of cinder blocks and washed them nicely in their tub...which is basically what I did. My bathtub looked a little like a car that a janitor had keyed with every single one of his billion keys!!!!
How could this gone so wrong! When people come and stay they're going to look at that tub and decide how uncomfortable it would be to sit in the sink and bathe. I did have one consolation, that bathtub has no water spots on it and you can't tell that I scraped the heck out of it when it's wet. I'll have to run before my guests need to shower and say as the hostess I must warm the water before they get in... Anyway, I'll never pull it off. So, if by chance you happen to come and have to use my tub you'll know why it looks like someone washed it with rocks...IT'S BECAUSE I DID!
My poor tub...
Friday, September 5, 2008
It's late... and is that a cow falling?
So, now when I can't sleep it makes me very nervous that this may be the beginning of another decade of sleeplessness. If you're noticing when this is posted you'll see it was around 2-ish in the AM!!! The anxiety level is building and the chances of sleeping are dwindling!
Then, I decide to do a google search for "Funny Cow pictures." I started looking for pictures of birch trees and my ability to wind up looking for funny cow pictures is probably one reasons I have trouble sleeping. This is the picture I found....
Yeah, never mind falling for cows falling from the sky!!! Oh, come on! That's funny! I wish I knew where this picture was taken.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day is Family Day...
Revenge heaped upon Statistics!
Picture it...summer 2008, I have just sentenced myself to an online summer statistics class! Ahggg...the horror...the pain...and what the heck does a chi square have to do with ANOVA? Do I really need to know how deviated the standard is? And please tell me that the F-stat, p-value, and the z-scores are just lame rapper names!
There were times I'd be reading my dear old stats text wondering if someone just spilled a bowl of alphabet soup mixed with a complete boggle set and decided to call it stats. For example, I needed to know what the SSE, SSG, SST, MSG (has nothing to do with chinese food), MSE, F and P. (You can now place your index finger in between your lips and do that blah, blah, etc sound.) I was glad I never had to talk face to face with my professor, I'm pretty sure that would have involved climbing a turret in a castle somewhere in Transilvania, because I wouldn't have been able to keep that civil and you know how Igor's get when you threaten bodily harm to their 'master.'
So, I decided to do what any healthy, frantic and perhaps a bit angry stats student would do...Study like hell and complain to anyone with ears about how horrible statstistics is. I did find another student in my program who decided to celebrate the summer with statistics as well. This made complaining and heaping massive amounts of bad energy in professor Frankenstat's direction a lot more fun.
It was during one of these lamentation sessions that the bright idea was born. Oh, you have no idea how bright that light bulb was hanging over our heads when this idea came about...yeah, sunglasses would have been recommended to save your retinas. After our final test, we decided to take our stats books out to the middle of the mountains and unleash our pent up rage on them. (Translation = grab a 30-06, 22, and a 38 and blow the freaking books apart!)
Now, your probably asking, "how come you don't just sell them back to the bookstore?" Good question. My response has multiple levels...First, that's not as fun as shooting a book. Second, we both bought our books from for $8. Third, like most books that you buy at a university book store they weren't buying them back.
I would recommend this to anyone for therapuetic reasons over the pure thrill of seeing peices of book flying across the open field!!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I dare you not to giggle!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I drew a picture...

I'm not quite sure what sport my stick figure is doing. Perhaps hailing a cab in New York. That could be an olympic sport I think. Any who, I decided that drawing stick figures that are cool is a lot harder than it looks.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
OK, I was one step away from buzzing it all off...

(I never notice that the right side of my face is higher than the left...kinda quasi modo-ish)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Tate Revisited.
He sure enjoyed the meal because it included multiple yummy noises and smiles.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
We Take a Road Trip

Chaz turned out to be a one man comedy tour. He kept cracking jokes when he was at that deliriously tired stage. Chaz was the only one who understood and laughed at his jokes, but the process of cracking himself up made Lori and I laugh to the point of tears which only encouraged him to make more short it was a vicious laughing cycle.
When we finally stopped the first day to go to sleep the kids were so excited to get OUT OF THE CAR they were literally bouncing off the walls, beds, bathtub, you name it they bounced off it. This, I'm sure, endeared us to our next door neighbors.
The next day was much better. I think somewhere the kids realized or at least accepted the fact that being in the car was a fact that they weren't going to escape anytime soon and kept the fighting to a mere minimum, except the whole "I'm pretending to be a vampire" incident. We were able to see parts of Lake Powell, drive over a freakishly high bridge, and get Burger King without anyone crying. We stopped at a rest area/information center that had metal sculptures of dinosaurs (genius for a rest stop visited by children).
We finally made it to Payson and enjoyed sitting down on something that wasn't moving. The kids seemed excited to be at home with their dad and I could tell that the natural rhythms that flow through a family's existence was beginning to get in sync.
It was sad to say goodbye to the kids after a summer of seeing them everyday. It was lonely going home and not be able to run over and go hang out with my sister, but at least I have that memory of driving down to Arizona with them, that is until I forget about it.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I take for granted

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Once again silliness finds me...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Christmas in July
I found this picture from the movie Elf and thought, "Can I enjoy something so simple as a revolving door with child like enthusiasm?" Then, I thought about trying to keep the Christmas spirit all year round. This all lead me to remembering the advice the savior gave, "...Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3.
So, what does this all have with Elf and a revolving door? I'm not quite sure, but I think I made the connection of trying to find and enjoy fully the happiness the plan of salvation provides. Perhaps, we hear about the plan so often we forget how truly amazing it is. The challenge is trying to keep that pure joy that children have when they really feel happy. The plan of salvation is often called the great plan of happines.
Now, I'm not so dumb as to think that everyone has to be happy all the time, that really isn't realistic. (Well, at least not for me.) I guess I mean we (meaning me) need to take the time to sit back and see how blessed we (I) are (am). Then, let that feeling fill every molecule of our body and cheer (if you want to) or smile as big as you feel like.
See, what happens when you aren't looking for a spiritual connection and you find one that is so random it's cool.
A doe a deer a female deer
Friday, July 11, 2008
OK Just some Random Shots
I saw my cousin coming around the corner and thought it was so funny. I was glad I had my camera!
So, my boots are pink. Got a problem with that?
Chaz didn't care how he was going to do it, but he was going to get outside! He found these Disney princess snowboots and shoved them over his PJ's and out the door he went!