"The world belongs to the energetic." This guy, you may or may not have heard of him, Ralph Waldo Emerson is who stated that the world, apparently, belongs to the energetic. Hmm...Is it because they are the ones who have the energy to actually run the world? I don't think that's what he meant. I think that those who have positive energy to keep up a constant level of 'energeticness' (I think I might have invented a new word) realize they can draw upon different sources of energy through out the world. The realize they are in an interactive relationship from all aspects that are here in the world. The ones who find the good, positive, and energizing wells to draw from are the ones who understand the stuff that really counts in the world. That through adjusting their focus on the amazing and beautiful they are clearing their vision of what the world's potential is and work to get the world moving toward that potential. Where are these sources to draw from? I think instinctively we have ideas, feelings or intuition as to where to find them or at the very least we know what isn't a source of positive influence in our lives. The courage and the growth comes from leaving a source that will not give us the positive vision, possibly giving us a negative energy to our lives, and turning toward what will help us achieve the positive motion in living.
I can't say that trying to stay positive won't be full of actual bad stuff because life is full of all kinds of horrible things. But, letting the negative overshadow the positive actually stunts your ability to acknowledge to yourself the positive things around, in and can come from you. It's a choice to search for positive amongst the ridiculously moronic things that fly at us from every direction. It is a choice that is constant and a commitment. A choice that needs to be made consciously. We need to realize that no one is happy by accident it takes work. Being miserable is easy you just let the world happen to you. It takes energy to make that choice, but once you do you have a destination to work towards. People's circumstances are full of reasons to be negative and they are usually reasons that no one would blame them for being that way. It just amazes me and inspires me to find those who have had more than enough reasons to give up and chose not to. Those people who take their terrible life's circumstances and decide not only to survive, but thrive. These are the ones who inspire and spread their positive energetic selves to the world around them. They are people who see something a little clearer and try and tell us what they see hoping to bring us to where they are and are happy for us when we get there with them and cheer us on while going on ahead.
Thoughts in a head, words on a page, a spoken voice, or a look on my face can be my simple ripple in this world, but it will be my choice whether it will be a positive one.