A few weeks ago I had to go shopping for a tri-fold presentation board at a place called "The Craft Warehouse." Scary, huh? Let's just say that for me the idea of crafts usually involve second degree burns from skin scalding hot lava guns, or for those of you who can perform crafts without visits from the EMT they are usually called hot glue guns. Well, back to the story... I found my cool tri-fold cardboard display board and began seeing all kinds of adhesives that don't involve thermal dynamics and began to feel a little more confident in my craftiness. I began seeing all kinds of possibilities of creativity in the rows of stickers, stamps and fun shaped scissors. Honestly, why hadn't I been scrap booking for all these years! I know I could be the scrap booker of all scrap bookers. I would be on the Oprah Winfrey show and make Oprah go into the ugly cry because the beauty I could create with a hole punch and multiple colored brads.
Then, it hit me, I don't like doing stuff like that. I like taking a picture and storing it away in the cyber-world that is my computer. I don't do crafts. Oh, my goodness! They almost got me. That craft warehouse almost sucked me into the world of cute chronicling devices!
I bought my presentation board and walked out wondering what kind of creative commerically induced delusion did I just have? I started my car and drove out and then I noticed a Burger King. Oh, America the land of commericalism and spending money! Every where I go I could spend all the money I have for stuff I don't want and won't do me any good!

In the middle of my anti-capitalism tirade I found myself pulling up to that very comforting drive thru menu board wondering if I should order the regular Whopper meal, the Junior Whopper meal or screw it all and get the double Whopper and throw some bacon and cheese on there too!
In the middle of my fast food fiasco, I noticed that there were two head lights shining right at me. It took me a few seconds to figure out that I was in a drive thru and there shouldn't be any head lights shining AT me, I should only be seeing tail lights. Right? What is going on? Was I going the wrong way? Is it all ready 2012 and the world has gone crazy and about ready to end? WHY ARE THOSE HEAD LIGHTS COMING TOWARD ME?!! We never went over this in driver's education!

In the middle of a slight mind melt in my car, I notice that the passenger handing money to the drive thru lady. I then see two teenage boys laughing hysterically. Oh, the imagination of youth. They drove thru the drive thru backwards. I pulled up after ordering my Junior Whopper meal and a DIET Cola giggling at the two kids I was no staring at waiting to get my food. The driver smiled, laughed and waved. I feeling oddly happy waved back and laughed too. Their food came and they backed all the way out of the drive thru and on their way someplace else in the world. When I got my meal, all the employees at Burger King were laughing and smiling. I was laughing and smiling too. I got my meal and drove off to work on my presentation strangely and surprisingly happy. Here were two geeky boys deciding to do something simply dumb as driving backward through the Burger King drive thru and took something so mundane and typically American and tweaked it enough to make my day just a little brighter. I realized that creativity doesn't need to be in cutting paper and sticking them to a board or a scrap book. It doesn't have to take any materials at all because it can be as simple as looking at something ordinary just slightly enough to make it more enjoyable.
So, to those geeky boys somewhere in Kennewick Washington, thank you so much for a great giggle!