Well, I just thought I'd do my civil duty and remind people that it is time to fulfill their civic duty and vote. I am trying to have a positive feel about this election and having searching for that feeling of patriotism that elections are supposed to envoke. As for that actually happening, I can't say that I've had any warm feelings at all about this election. I honestly try and keep an open mind about all canidates and issues. I want to make sure that I am voting based on what I think are the important issues and not what a party, commercial, friend or family has to say about it.
Anyway, I guess I am coming down with election time blues because I have a hard time believing anyone can help. I am feeling so numb and blah about everything and I cringe everytime an election-type ad comes on the TV.
I guess I should feel lucky that I have the luxary to feel blah or blue about elections. I know our country and our system isn't perfect, but it does allow us to at least participate in the system.
So, good luck to all the canidates and to the fellow citizens who are voting...I wish you even more good things to come. I wish the best to the future.