She has been enjoying the summer because she has been visited by all my nieces and nephews which means a lot of sticky sweet faces and fingers to lick. The other day, I went to check on the kids and saw them all standing on top of the picnic table with their creamsicles in the air like they were doing an impression of The Statue of Liberty. I saw Dosie hovering around the table staring at every one's ice cream treats hoping one of them would be brave or dumb enough to get down off the table and give her a chance to try and snatch one of them for herself.
She's actually very smart, which means she can get in or out of anything. One time we left her in my parents garage when we went to wal mart and when we got home she was sitting in the front room and looking at us like, "what took you guys so long?" She had pulled the guillotene type closure to an old cat door in the garage out and some how pulled herself through the space. It must have been a lot of hard work and must have worked up an appetite because she then helped herself to a loaf of freshly baked zucchini bread.
So, here's her fitting through the cat door and here's another picture to show her actual size. Yeah, I know, that must have been a really tight squeeze!