Ryley and Chaz wanted to make a movie. So we took a whole bunch of pictures of them and made a very short movie of them. Chaz was less thrilled about the idea and had a hard time having so many pictures taken...Ryley did not have that problem.
My best, four legged, friend Dosie Doe, LOVES and I mean LOVES snow. I think she would like to try out for a sled pulling team if we could find one for her to try out for
I decided to go back to school and then got accepted to OHSU's School of Nursing at the campus in La Grande Oregon! I am enjoying it very much and look for opportunities to spread my sense of humor to the serious nursing students I find all around me. Here's a snap shot of me trying to cheer up our patient. As you can see, he smiles with his eyes shut.
I hadn't been tubing or sledding in ages! So, For Christmas Eve I got to go! I had fun and didn't get hurt... which is amazing! It was a Beautiful day and I caught this amazing photo.
While I was visiting Looooweeezyanna, I found my brother's Helmet he left behind. (Eli is in the Air Force somewhere in the Middle East) I couldn't resist a self portrait. I was feeling very silly because I was still on Oregon time and everyone was still asleep.
We went to the city that "Steele Magnolias" was filmed. It is pronounced KNACK-UH-DISH, but is not spelled anything like that. We watched some fireworks and got some pictures of the kids with Santa. Very fun, but a little cold!